Ísey Skyr - Secret to healthy living

Frequently asked questions


  • Are the bacteria still alive in Skyr?

    Yes the bacteria culture in Skyr is alive and active.

  • Is Isey Skyr good for children? How many Isey Skyr cups can they eat per week?

    Ísey Skyr is a healthy and good nutrition packed product for both children and adults. It contains a lot of proteins which is an important supplier of energy and amino acids as well as vitamins and minerals, such as B12 vitamin, calcium and phosphorus.

    In most national recommendations it is advised to consume 2-3 portions of dairy products daily. It could be considered suitable that one of these portions is skyr.

  • Is Isey Skyr good for pregnant women? How many cups can they eat per week?

    Like other dairy products Ísey skyr is good for pregnant women, similar as for the general population. In most national recommendations it is advised to consume 2-3 portions of dairy products daily. It could be considered suitable that one of these portions is skyr.

  • Is Skyr suitable for vegetarians?

    Yes generally Skyr is suitable for vegetarians (lacto vegetarians).

  • What amount of protein is healthy for a regular person per day?

    Protein is a source of energy but its main role in the body is growth and repair.
    It helps in the formation of muscles, hair, nails, skin and organs, such as the heart, kidneys and liver.

    The human body can’t store protein and will excrete any excess, so the most effective way of meeting your daily protein requirement is to eat small amounts at every meal.

    Read further for  Australian dietary recommendations Protein - Better Health Channel

  • Why is Isey Skyr almost fat free?

    Traditionally skyr is made from skimmed milk and that is why it is so low in fat. In earlier times when skyr was made on every farm, milk was separated into cream and skimmed milk. The farmers would make butter out of the cream and skyr out of the skimmed milk.